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"What Does 2018 Hold For Me"?

I've been seeing people on FB shared a link with a question "What Does 2018 Hold For Me"?  It's a web based app called nametests. Does this app really hold or see our future? 

What does the bible say about our future? 

If we are in Christ Jesus, we don't anymore hold our future but Him. God says to Jeremiah "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.

We have to consider the background of this verse is God's promised to His people Israel. However, since have faith in Him. We can surely apply this in our lives. But not to take it literally. 

Let's take a look each word God mentioned in this verse. But before that, kindly notice that He said "For I know... which means since God created us He surely knew us and nothing can be hidden to Him. An Engineer would know the design of the house he or she created. 

Prosper - This doesn't mean material prosperity as what you heard from health and wealth preachers today. That's why we have always check our hearts and let God change our motives. God would probably make us rich but it must be in accordance to His will not ours. But surely He does not want us to beg for foods. In my personal experience, God prosper me with contentment. I have a decent secular job with good salary and I am happy and contented with it. I'm not rich but I'm not also poor. God has been faithful by providing me all my needs. 

Security - This is what God means when He said "not to harm you". God is so loving. He is not gonna harm or hurt you. You may feel sad or downcast with the trials that He allow it in your life today. But He promise He is always there for you and assure you can handle it by His grace. 

Hope - I personally believe this is more on eternity. The author in Hebrews said, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. " Hebrews 11:1" 
Our Hope that we will be Jesus in heaven. As He said in John 14, Do not let your hearts be troubled.. " that means we have hope in Him. 

Future - Same thing with Hope, this also speaks about eternity. That we will be with Jesus in the near future. That's why we have to just always put our trust in Him for our future has already in His hands. 


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